Lawn Bowling Shop

Modern Lawn Bowling or Pin Lawn Bowling, is more akin to traditional bowling but played in the yard or outside setting with wooden balls and a set of bowling pins. The predecessor to modern lawn bowling is the game Skittles which has been played in the United Kingdom for over 500 years. Skittles is played with 9 pins, while today’s bowling games use 12 pins. Another yard game with a similar name is Lawn Bowling (bowls or lawn bowls) which is played with a ball that is round in one direction and elliptical in the other and like Bocce Ball, it is played with a ‘Jack’ ball. This vintage form of lawn bowling is not as popular as other yard games.
While traditional Lawn Bowls is popular in Europe and Australia, the more modern version played with bowling pins outside is becoming more popular. While we love anything that gives you an excuse to go out and play, we wanted to shed light on Outdoor 12 Pin Bowling, both games are a great for backyard fun and can be mastered by all if given the time and practice.
We added the ancient game Kubb to this category. The game is said to be over 1000 years old and originated with the Vikings. The game is best described as a cross between bowling and horse shoes and involves tossing wooden sticks to advance. As with most outdoor games they are ideal for passing the time, spending time with friends and a great excuse to stay outside just a bit longer.